$ startup.sh -Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH=trueこれは、slash、back-slash を Escape した %2F、%3C をURL パラメータに使うのを許可するもの
[/opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.35/bin]$ curl -X GET --user kermit:kermit http://localhost:8080/activiti-rest/service/repository/deployments | jq "."
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 258 0 258 0 0 20270 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 21500
"data": [
"id": "20",
"name": "Demo processes",
"deploymentTime": "2016-05-25T02:09:35.281+09:00",
"category": null,
"url": "http://localhost:8080/activiti-rest/service/repository/deployments/20",
"tenantId": ""
"total": 1,
"start": 0,
"sort": "id",
"order": "asc",
"size": 1
http://host/actviti-rest/service/repository/deployments/{deploymentId}) http://host/activiti-rest/service/deployments?name=Deployment
sort=name | ソートする項目 |
order={asc,desc} | 昇順、降順 |
start=0 | 現ページの先頭項目の順番 |
size=10 | 表示ページあたりの項目数 |
200 - Ok | GET,POST の成功 |
201 - Created | POST の成功 |
204 - No content | DELETE の成功 |
401 - Unauthorized | 認証失敗 |
403 - Forbidden | 処理対象のオブジェクトがない(存在しないタスクをDELTEしようとしたときとか) |
404 - Not found | API の URL が間違っている |
405 - Method not allowed | 処理要求が認可さなかった(権限不足) |
409 - Conflict | 更新対象は別の誰かが更新済み |
415 - Unsupported Media Type | HTTP Request の Accept に JSON がない |
500 - Internal server error |
"statusCode" : 404,
"errorMessage" : "Could not find a task with id '444'."
§ | Want to | HTTP Method | HTTP Request |
15.2.1. | List of Deployments | GET | repository/deployments |
15.2.2. | Get a deployment | GET | repository/deployments/{deploymentId} |
15.2.3. | Create a new deployment | POST | repository/deployments |
15.2.4. | Delete a deployment | DELETE | repository/deployments/{deploymentId} |
15.2.5. | List resources in a deployment | GET | repository/deployments/{deploymentId}/resources |
15.2.6. | Get a deployment resource | GET | repository/deployments/{deploymentId}/resources/{resourceId} |
15.2.7. | Get a deployment resource content | GET | repository/deployments/{deploymentId}/resourcedata/{resourceId} |
§ | Want to | HTTP Method | HTTP Request |
15.3.1. | List of process definitions | GET | repository/process-definitions |
15.3.2. | Get a process definition | GET | repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId?} |
15.3.3. | Update category for a process definition | PUT | repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId?} |
15.3.4. | Get a process definition resource content | GET | repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId?}/resourcedata |
15.3.5. | Get a process definition BPMN model | GET | repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId?}/model |
15.3.6. | Suspend a process definition | PUT | repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId?} |
15.3.7. | Activate a process definition | PUT | repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId?} |
15.3.8. | Get all candidate starters for a process-definition | GET | repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId?}/identitylinks |
15.3.9. | Add a candidate starter to a process definition | POST | repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId?}/identitylinks |
15.3.10. | Delete a candidate starter from a process definition | DELETE | repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId?}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId} |
15.3.11. | Get a candidate starter from a process definition | GET | repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId?}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId} |
§ | Want to | HTTP Method | HTTP Request |
15.4.1. | Get a list of models | GET | repository/models |
15.4.2. | Get a model | GET | repository/models/{modelId} |
15.4.3. | Update a model | PUT | repository/models/{modelId} |
15.4.4. | Create a model | POST | repository/models |
15.4.5. | Delete a model | DELETE | repository/models/{modelId} |
15.4.6. | Get the editor source for a model | GET | repository/models/{modelId}/source |
15.4.7. | Set the editor source for a model | PUT | repository/models/{modelId}/source |
15.4.8. | Get the extra editor source for a model | GET | repository/models/{modelId}/source-extra |
15.4.9. | Set the extra editor source for a model | PUT | repository/models/{modelId}/source-extra |
§ | Want to | HTTP Method | HTTP Request |
15.5.1. | Get a process instance | GET | runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId?} |
15.5.2. | Delete a process instance | DELETE | runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId?} |
15.5.3. | Activate or suspend a process instance | PUT | runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId?} |
15.5.4. | Start a process instance | POST | runtime/process-instances |
15.5.5. | List of process instances | GET | runtime/process-instances |
15.5.6. | Query process instances | POST | query/process-instances |
15.5.7. | Get diagram for a process instance | GET | runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId?}/diagram |
15.5.8. | Get involved people for process instance | GET | runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId?}/identitylinks |
15.5.9. | Add an involved user to a process instance | POST | runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId?}/identitylinks |
15.5.10. | Remove an involved user to from process instance | DELETE | runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId?}/identitylinks/users/{userId}/{type} |
15.5.11. | List of variables for a process instance | GET | runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId?}/variables |
15.5.12. | Get a variable for a process instance | GET | runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId?}/variables/{variableName} |
15.5.13. | Create (or update) variables on a process instance | POST | runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId?}/variables (INSERT) |
PUT | runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId?}/variables (INSERT OR UPDATA) | ||
15.5.14. | Update a single variable on a process instance | PUT | runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId?}/variables/{variableName} |
15.5.15. | Create a new binary variable on a process-instance | POST | runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId?}/variables |
15.5.16. | Update an existing binary variable on a process-instance | PUT | runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId?}/variables |
§ | Want to | HTTP Method | HTTP Request |
15.6.1. | Get an execution | GET | runtime/executions/{executionId} |
15.6.2. | Execute an action on an execution | PUT | runtime/executions/{executionId} |
15.6.3. | Get active activities in an execution | GET | runtime/executions/{executionId}/activities |
15.6.4. | List of executions | GET | runtime/executions |
15.6.5. | Query executions | POST | query/executions |
15.6.6. | List of variables for an execution | GET | runtime/executions/{executionId}/variables?scope={scope} |
15.6.7. | Get a variable for an execution | GET | runtime/executions/{executionId}/variables/{variableName}?scope={scope} |
15.6.8. | Create (or update) variables on an execution | POST | runtime/executions/{executionId}/variables (INSERT) |
PUT | runtime/executions/{executionId}/variables (INSERT OR UPDATE) | ||
15.6.9. | Update a variable on an execution | PUT | runtime/executions/{executionId}/variables/{variableName} |
15.6.10. | Create a new binary variable on an execution | POST | runtime/executions/{executionId}/variables |
15.6.11. | Update an existing binary variable on a process-instance | PUT | runtime/executions/{executionId}/variables/{variableName} |
§ | Want to | HTTP Method | HTTP Request |
15.7.1. | Get a task | GET | runtime/tasks/{taskId} |
15.7.2. | List of tasks | GET | runtime/tasks |
15.7.3. | Query for tasks | POST | query/tasks |
15.7.4. | Update a task | PUT | runtime/tasks/{taskId} |
15.7.5. | Task actions | POST | runtime/tasks/{taskId} |
15.7.6. | Delete a task | DELETE | runtime/tasks/{taskId}?cascadeHistory={cascadeHistory}&deleteReason={deleteReason} |
15.7.7. | Get all variables for a task | GET | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables?scope={scope} |
15.7.8. | Get a variable from a task | GET | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName}?scope={scope} |
15.7.9. | Get the binary data for a variable | GET | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName}/data?scope={scope} |
15.7.10. | Create new variables on a task | POST | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables |
15.7.11. | Create a new binary variable on a task | POST | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables |
15.7.12. | Update an existing variable on a task | PUT | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName} |
15.7.13. | Updating a binary variable on a task | PUT | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName} |
15.7.14. | Delete a variable on a task | DELETE | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName}?scope={scope} |
15.7.15. | Delete all local variables on a task | DELETE | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables |
15.7.16. | Get all identity links for a task | GET | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks |
15.7.17. | Get all identitylinks for a task for either groups or users | GET | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks/users (INSERT) |
GET | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks/groups (INSERT OR UPDATE) | ||
15.7.18. | Get a single identity link on a task | GET | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId}/{type} |
15.7.19. | Create an identity link on a task | POST | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks |
15.7.20. | Delete an identity link on a task | DELETE | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId}/{type} |
15.7.21. | Create a new comment on a task | POST | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/comments |
15.7.22. | Get all comments on a task | GET | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/comments |
15.7.23. | Get a comment on a task | GET | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/comments/{commentId} |
15.7.24. | Delete a comment on a task | DELETE | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/comments/{commentId} |
15.7.25. | Get all events for a task | GET | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/events |
15.7.26. | Get an event on a task | GET | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/events/{eventId} |
15.7.27. | Create a new attachment on a task, containing a link to an external resource | POST | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/attachments |
15.7.28. | Create a new attachment on a task, with an attached file | POST | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/attachments |
15.7.29. | Get all attachments on a task | GET | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/attachments |
15.7.30. | Get an attachment on a task | GET | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/attachments/{attachmentId} |
15.7.31. | Get the content for an attachment | GET | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/attachment/{attachmentId}/content |
15.7.32. | Delete an attachment on a task | DELETE | runtime/tasks/{taskId}/attachments/{attachmentId} |
§ | Want to | HTTP Method | HTTP Request |
15.8.1. | Get a historic process instance | GET | history/historic-process-instances/{processInstanceId?} |
15.8.2. | List of historic process instances | GET | history/historic-process-instances |
15.8.3. | Query for historic process instances | POST | query/historic-process-instances |
15.8.4. | Delete a historic process instance | DELETE | history/historic-process-instances/{processInstanceId?} |
15.8.5. | Get the identity links of a historic process instance | GET | history/historic-process-instance/{processInstanceId?}/identitylinks |
15.8.6. | Get the binary data for a historic process instance variable | GET | history/historic-process-instances/{processInstanceId?}/variables/{variableName}/data |
15.8.7. | Create a new comment on a historic process instance | POST | history/historic-process-instances/{processInstanceId?}/comments |
15.8.8. | Get all comments on a historic process instance | GET | history/historic-process-instances/{processInstanceId?}/comments |
15.8.9. | Get a comment on a historic process instance | GET | history/historic-process-instances/{processInstanceId?}/comments/{commentId} |
15.8.10. | Delete a comment on a historic process instance | DELETE | history/historic-process-instances/{processInstanceId?}/comments/{commentId} |
15.8.11. | Get a single historic task instance | GET | history/historic-task-instances/{taskId} |
15.8.12. | Get historic task instances | GET | history/historic-task-instances |
15.8.13. | Query for historic task instances | POST | query/historic-task-instances |
15.8.14. | Delete a historic task instance | DELETE | history/historic-task-instances/{taskId} |
15.8.15. | Get the identity links of a historic task instance | GET | history/historic-task-instance/{taskId}/identitylinks |
15.8.16. | Get the binary data for a historic task instance variable | GET | history/historic-task-instances/{taskId}/variables/{variableName}/data |
15.8.17. | Get historic activity instances | GET | history/historic-activity-instances |
15.8.18. | Query for historic activity instances | POST | query/historic-activity-instances |
15.8.19. | List of historic variable instances | GET | history/historic-variable-instances |
15.8.20. | Query for historic variable instances | POST | query/historic-variable-instances |
15.8.21. | Get historic detail | GET | history/historic-detail |
15.8.22. | Query for historic details | POST | query/historic-detail |
15.8.23. | Get the binary data for a historic detail variable | GET | history/historic-detail/{detailId}/data |
§ | Want to | HTTP Method | HTTP Request |
15.9.1. | Get form data | GET | form/form-data |
15.9.2. | Submit task form data | POST | form/form-data |
§ | Want to | HTTP Method | HTTP Request |
15.10.1. | List of tables | GET | management/tables |
15.10.2. | Get a single table | GET | management/tables/{tableName} |
15.10.3. | Get column info for a single table | GET | management/tables/{tableName}/columns |
15.10.4. | Get row data for a single table | GET | management/tables/{tableName}/data |
§ | Want to | HTTP Method | HTTP Request |
15.11.1. | Get engine properties | GET | management/properties |
15.11.2. | Get engine info | GET | management/engine |
§ | Want to | HTTP Method | HTTP Request |
15.12.1. | Signal event received | POST | runtime/signals |
§ | Want to | HTTP Method | HTTP Request |
15.13.1. | Get a single job | GET | management/jobs/{jobId} |
15.13.2. | Delete a job | DELETE | management/jobs/{jobId} |
15.13.3. | Execute a single job | POST | management/jobs/{jobId} |
15.13.4. | Get the exception stacktrace for a job | GET | management/jobs/{jobId}/exception-stacktrace |
15.13.5. | Get a list of jobs | GET | management/jobs |
§ | Want to | HTTP Method | HTTP Request |
15.14.1. | Get a single user | GET | identity/users/{userId} |
15.14.2. | Get a list of users | GET | identity/users |
15.14.3. | Update a user | PUT | identity/users/{userId} |
15.14.4. | Create a user | POST | identity/users |
15.14.5. | Delete a user | DELETE | identity/users/{userId} |
15.14.6. | Get a user’s picture | GET | identity/users/{userId}/picture |
15.14.7. | Updating a user’s picture | GET | identity/users/{userId}/picture |
15.14.8. | List a user’s info | PUT | identity/users/{userId}/info |
15.14.9. | Get a user’s info | GET | identity/users/{userId}/info/{key} |
15.14.10. | Update a user’s info | PUT | identity/users/{userId}/info/{key} |
15.14.11. | Create a new user’s info entry | POST | identity/users/{userId}/info |
15.14.12. | Delete a user’s info | DELETE | identity/users/{userId}/info/{key} |
§ | Want to | HTTP Method | HTTP Request |
15.15.1. | Get a single group | GET | identity/groups/{groupId} |
15.15.2. | Get a list of groups | GET | identity/groups |
15.15.3. | Update a group | PUT | identity/groups/{groupId} |
15.15.4. | Create a group | POST | identity/groups |
15.15.5. | Delete a group | DELETE | identity/groups/{groupId} |
15.15.6. | Get members in a group | GET | identity/users?memberOfGroup?={groupId} |
15.15.7. | Add a member to a group | POST | identity/groups/{groupId}/members |
15.15.8. | Delete a member from a group | DELETE | identity/groups/{groupId}/members/{userId} |