失敗 Glassfish V3 では OpenAM Agent はうまく動かない
# cd /opt/ # unzip /home/kagyuu/ダウンロード/appserver_v10_agent_303.zip # ls glassfish3 j2ee_agents tomcat7
# cd j2ee_agents/appserver_v10_agent/ # echo gspasswd > .passwd # chmod 400 .passwdJ2EE Agent のインストール
# cd j2ee_agents/appserver_v10_agent/bin/ # ./agentadmin --install ************************************************************************ Welcome to the OpenSSO Policy Agent 3.0 for Sun Java System Application Server 8.1/8.2/9.0/9.1/10. ************************************************************************ (中略) ----------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF YOUR RESPONSES ----------------------------------------------- Application Server Config Directory : /opt/glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain1/config Application Server Instance name : server OpenSSO server URL : http://pine.hondou.homedns.org:9080/opensso Agent URL : http://pine.hondou.homedns.org:8080/agentapp Agent Profile name : glassfishAgent Agent Profile Password file name : /opt/j2ee_agents/appserver_v10_agent/.passwd (中略) Thank you for using OpenSSO Policy Agent 3.0.
Enter the Agent URL. Please include the deployment URI also as shown below: (http://agent1.sample.com:1234/agentapp) [ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ] Agent URL: ERROR: The agent URL format is incorrect or its deployment URI is not specified or the agent container is still running. Please enter the correct agent URL with the correct deployment URI and make sure the agent container is not running. The agent container at is running. This may cause misconfiguration of the agent. Please stop the agent container, then continue with the agent installation. Enter the Agent URL. Please include the deployment URI also as shown below: (http://agent1.sample.com:1234/agentapp) [ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ] Agent URL:
# cd /opt/j2ee_agents/appserver_v10_agent/ # cp lib/agent.jar /opt/glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain1/lib/applibs/ # cp lib/openssoclientsdk.jar /opt/glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain1/lib/applibs/ # cp locale/* /opt/glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain1/lib/classes/
$ pwd /opt/glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain1/lib $ tree . |-- applibs | |-- agent.jar | `-- openssoclientsdk.jar |-- classes | |-- CompositeAdviceForm.txt | |-- FormLoginContent.txt | |-- PortCheckContent.txt | |-- WSAuthErrorContent.txt | |-- WSInternalErrorContent.txt | |-- amAgentCore.properties | |-- amAgentLog.properties | |-- amFilter.properties | |-- amRealm.properties | |-- amToolsMessages.properties | |-- amWebPolicy.properties | |-- as81Tools.properties | `-- asTools.properties |-- databases `-- ext
Class Not Found : com.sun.identity.agents.appserver.v81.AmASRealm
Tomcat 6 か、Glassfish V2 でないとだめっぽい