01もし金目のものを拾っても、絶対に返すな。Once you have their money, never give it back.
02正直な客をだますことはできない。しかし、やってみる分にはかまわない。You can't cheat an honest customer, but it never hurts to try.
03ものを手に入れる時、必要以上に金を使うな。Never buy anything for more than is absolutely necessary.
04セックスと収入はどちらも長続きしない。Sex and profit are the two things that never last long enough.
05契約は破棄できなくても、ねじ曲げることはできる。If you can't break a contract, bend it.
06家族といえども、金儲けの邪魔はさせるな。Never let family stand in the way of opportunity.
07常に情報を集めろ。Always keep your ears open.
08自分の小銭の金額も数えておけ。Keep count of your change.
09チャンスと直感が合わさったら必ず儲かる。Instinct plus opportunity equals profit.
10貪欲は永遠なり。Greed is eternal
11ラチナム以外にも輝いて見えるものはある。Latinum isn't the only thing that shines.
12一度売れたものは二度売れる。Anything worth selling is worth selling twice.
13全ての価値ある物は金になる価値がある。Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.
14盗品は純益になる。Anything stolen is pure profit.
15利口者は馬鹿なふりをする。Acting stupid is often smart.
16契約は契約だ。A deal is a deal.
17契約は絶対に破るなかれ。相手がフェレンギ人である限り。A contract is a contract is a contract. but only between Ferengi.
18金儲けできないフェレンギ人はフェレンギ人とはいえない。Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all.
19お客様の満足度は保証いたしません。Satisfaction is not guaranteed.
19昇進の直後に、すぐ休んではいけない。Don't lie too soon after a promotion.
20客が汗をかいている時は暖房を回せ。When the customer is sweating, turn up the heat.
21友情を金儲けに優先してはいけない。Never place friendship before profit.
22賢い男は風の音にも金の音を聞く。A wise man can hear profit in the wind.
23最後のコインに手を出してはいけない。だがその他は全てつかみ取れ。Never take the last coin, but be sure to get all the rest.
24いつ儲かるかなんて、人には聞くな。Never ask when you can take.
25疑心暗鬼が良いビジネスパートナーを作る。Fear makes a good business partner.
26この銀河中の金持ちの大多数は、その富を相続ではなく盗むことで築いた。The vast majority of the rich in this galaxy did not inherit their wealth; they stole it.
27木が一番役立つのは、お前がそれを伐採した後だ。There's nothing more dangerous than an honest businessman.The most beautiful thing about a tree is what you do with it after you cut it down.
28モラルはいつも力によって限定される。Morality is always defined by those in power.
29誰かが“それは儲からない”と言うとき 、そいつは嘘をついている。When someone says "It's not the money," they're lying.
30話すのは安いがシンセエールはコストがかかる。Talk is cheap; synthehol costs money.
31母親をネタにフェレンギ人をからかうことなかれ。Never make fun of a Ferengi's mother.
32自分が売るものには気を付けろ。時として客の希望をかなえてしまうからだ。Be careful what you sell. It may do exactly what the customer expects.
33上司にゴマをすってもカネはかからない。It never hurts to suck up to the boss.
34戦争は商売のチャンスだ。War is good for business.
35平和はビジネスのチャンスだ。Peace is good for business.
36多くのフェレンギ人は、もはや自分をあざ笑うことができない。Too many Ferengi can't laugh at themselves anymore.
37失った評判は、いつでも買い戻すことができる。You can always buy back a lost reputation.
38ただの広告は役に立たない。Free advertising is cheap.
39褒め言葉はタダだ。顧客にはいくらでも気前良く言ってやれ。Praise is cheap. Heap it generously on all customers.
40たとえ旅行先であろうとも、儲けられるなら儲けろ。If you see profit on a journey, take it.
41金はものを言う。しかし金を沢山持つことは、それ以上の効果がある。Money talks, but having lots of it gets more attention.
42利益を得ることが明白であるときにのみ、話し合え。Only negotiate when you are certain to profit.
43銃を突きつけるより耳を愛撫する方が、しばしば効果的だ。Caressing an ear is often more forceful than pointing a weapon.
44フェイザーを持った奴と議論するな。Never argue with a loaded phaser.
45儲けには限度がある。しかし損に限界はない。Profit has limits. Loss has none.
46刑務所には、悪人を信用したお人好しがたくさんいる。Labor camps are full of people who trusted the wrong person.
47いいスーツを着ている男を信じるな。Never trust a man wearing a better suit than your own.
48笑顔の時ほど油断をするな。The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.
49経験と欲望は、若さと才能に勝る。Old age and gree will always overcome youth and talent.
50クリンゴンはだますな。Never bluff a Klingon.
51誰か他に非難されるべき奴がいるなら、 けっして自分の誤りを認めるな。Never admit a mistake if they're someone else to blame.
52バグシーのみがラスベガスを作ることができた。Only Bugsy could have built Las Vegas.
53まず売ってしまえ、質問はそれからだ。Sell first; ask questions later.
54自分で売ることが出来ないものは買うな。Never buy anything you can't sell.
55常に利潤が最大になるように売れ。Always sell at the highest possible profit.
56まず儲けろ。女は後でやって来る。Pursue profit; women come later.
57いい客はラチナムと同様稀である。大事にすべし。Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them.
58時として、友情は高くつく。Friendship is seldom cheap.
59ただのアドバイスは高くつく。Free advice is seldom cheap.
60口先だけで何とかなる時は、絶対にラチナムを使うな。Never use credit where your words will do.
61盗めるものは絶対に買うな。Never buy what can be stolen.
62危ないことほど儲けも大きい。The riskier the road, the higher the profit.
63金のない奴の権力なんて、エンジンのない船のようなもんだ。Power without profit is like a ship without an engine.
64店の話はするな。買い物の話をしろ。Don't talk shop; talk shopping.
65勝っても負けてもヒューペリアン・ビートルの嗅ぎタバコはいつもある。Win or lose, there's always Huyperian beetle snuff.
65船の話はするな。送料の話をしろ。Don't talk ship; talk shipping.
66艦隊ではキチガイは辞めることが出来る。しかし辞めたがってる奴はまともか強要されてるかのどっちかだ。Anyone serving in a fleet who is crazy can be relieved, if they askfor it.
67どんなに十分でも、十分過ぎることはない。Anyone asking to be relieved is not crazy and must be forced to serve.
68同情は金の代りにはならない。Ear stroking will get you anything.
69もし政府のためになろうがなるまいが、船を持つことは出来る。Ferengi are not responsible for the stupidity of other races.
70まず金を受け取れ。そのあとで買い手に商品の心配をさせればいい。Get the money first, then let the buyers worry about collecting the merchandise.
71ギャンブルにも貿易にも、共通することが2つある。リスクとラチナムだ。There's a customer born every minute.
72自分の考えは絶対に競争相手に知らせるな 。Never trust customers.
73死にかけているフェレンギ人からの忠告は信頼するな。聞くのはかまわないが。If it gets you profit, sell your own mother.
74知識は金なり。Knowledge equals profit.
75家には心があるが、星々はラチナムで出来ている。Home is where the heart is, But the stars are made of latinum.
76時には敵に塩を送ってみるべし。Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies.
77フェレンギ人未到の地を目指せ。そこには、まだフェレンギ人の悪評を知らない新しいカモが待ち受けているに違いない。It's better to swallow your pride than to lose your profit.
78客は分単位で生まれる。There's a customer born every minute
79ヴァルカン人の知識への欲求には用心しろ。Beware of the Vulcan greed for knowledge.
80まだ動くものは売れ。よく動くものは2倍の値段で売れ。動かないものは値段を4倍にして、骨董品として売れ。If it works, sell it. If it works well, sell it for more. If it doesn't work, quadruple the price and sell it as an antique
81正直なビジネスマンほど危険なものはない。There's nothing more dangerous than an honest businessman
82利口な客は、良い客ではない。A smart customer is not a good customer
83復讐は無駄。Revenge is profitless
84女には耳を触らせても、ラチナムには触れさせるな。A friend is not a friend if he asks for a discount.
85死人はどんな賄賂も受け取らない。Death takes no bribes.
86鋭い会計係は必需品だが、妻は贅沢品だ。A wife is a luxury, a smart accountant a necessity
87信用は最大の泣き所である。A friend in need means three times the profit.
88ディナーに来た上役に、衣服を着た妻を見せて機嫌を損ねてはいけない。When the boss comes to dinner, it never hurts to have the wife wear something
89ラチナムは欲望より長持ちする。If they accept your first offer, you either asked too little or offered too much
90“我々の”ものより“俺様の”ものの方が良い。Mine is better than ours
91一番速く飲む奴は、一番支払いが遅い。He who drinks fast pays slow
92自分の幸運と賢明さをごっちゃにするな。Never confuse wisdom with luck
93自分の医者を相続人に任命する奴は馬鹿である。He's a fool who makes his doctor his heir
94恋愛と結婚は別物。Females and finances don’t mix.
95財源を拡大せよ。Expand or die.
95ラチナムこそわが命Important, more important, Latinum
96一念は在庫の山をも動かす。Faith moves mountains of inventory
97もし敵の秘密を知ったら、友達へも話すな。If you would keep a secret from an enemy, don't tell it to a friend
98利益は勇気をも産み出す。Profit is the better part of valor
99賢い奴を信頼するな。Never trust a wise man.
100全てのモノは所有者を求めている。Everything that has no owner, needs one.
101誰かにさせる事が出来るなら、絶対に自分ではやるな。Never do something you can make someone do for you.
102自然は衰える。しかし、ラチナムの輝きは永遠だ。Nature decays, but latinum lasts forever.
103眠りは金儲けの邪魔。Sleep can interfere with opportunity.
104金は決して作れない。それは得るか失うかだけだ。Money is never made. It is merely won or lost.
105賢者は嘘はつかない。真実をねじまげるだけだ。Wise men don't lie, they just bend the truth.
106貧乏はどんな名誉でもない。There's no honor in poverty
107保証書が有効なのは、不良品を売りつけた相手がおまえを見つけたときだけだ。A warranty is valid only if they can find you.
108衣服を着た女なんて、台所に入る男のようなもんだ。A woman wearing clothes is like a man in the kitchen.
109金儲けしたいならプライドは捨てろ。Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
110馬鹿はビジネスチャンスを逃す。Only a fool passes up a business opportunity
111恩を売った相手は家族同然、こき使え。Treat people in your debt like family,exploit them.
112上司の姉、妹とは寝るな。Never sleep with the boss' sister.
112上司の妻とは寝るな、しかし先に金を払っているなら別だ。Never sleep with the boss' wife unless you pay him first
113上司の姉、妹とは寝るな。Never sleep with the boss' sister.
114ささいな事でも、大きなリスクに至る。Small print leads to large risk.
116どんな場合でも、一つは逃げ道がある。There's always a way out.
117うますぎる話でも、儲かる時は儲かる。If the profit seems too good to be true, it usually is
118適切な価格を提供している正直者はだませない。Never cheat a honest man offering a decent price
119売るのか、買うのか、そうじゃなきゃ引っ込んでろ。Buy, sell, or get out of the way.
120盲人でもラチナムの手触りが分かる奴は分かる。Even a blind man can recognize the glow of Latinum
121全てのものは売るためにある。友情も。Everything is for sale, including friendship.
122客がいなくなれば、儲けもなくなる。As the customers go, so goes the wise profiteer
123お前が何かを売りつけるまで、友達は友達でしかない。そのあと、友達は客に変わる。A friend is only a friend until you sell him something. Then he is a customer
124友情は一瞬。儲けは一生。Friendship is temporary, profit is forever
125誰かが真実を知るまで、嘘は嘘ではない。A lie isn't a lie until someone else knows the truth
126嘘は嘘ではない。それは異なる視点で見た真実に過ぎない。A lie isn't a lie, it's just the truth seen from a different point of view
127感謝は寛大さにつながる。Gratitude can bring on generosity
128フェレンギ人は他の種族に対して責任を負わない。Ferengi are not responsible for the stupidity of other races
129自分の客を信用するな。Never trust your customers
130受け取りに来た奴を信用するな。Never trust a beneficiary
131利益になるなら、自分の母親でも売り払え。If it gets you profit, sell your own mother
132壊れやすい商品ほど、値段を高くしろ。The flimsier the produce, the higher the price
133財布の大きさで客を判断するな。時には小さな財布に値打ちのあるものが入っている。Never judge a customer by the size of his wallet (...sometimes, good things come in small packages)
134落し穴はどんなところにもある。There's always a catch
135コレクションの唯一の価値は、他の誰かに売りつけられることだ。The only value of a collectible is what you can get somebody else to pay for it
136よく研いだナイフはよく斬れる。人間も一緒だ。The sharp knife cuts quickly. Act without delay!
137必要は発明の母である。だったら利益は父だな。Necessity is the mother of invention. Profit is the father
138法はみなを平等にする。しかし正義は一番金持ちのところに行く。Law makes everyone equal, but justice goes to the highest bidder.
139妻は仕え、兄弟は相続する。Wives serve. Brothers inherit.
140一番簡単な 金儲けの秘訣は、少ししか買わず、沢山売ることだ。The answer to quick and easy profit is: buy for less, sell for more
141競争とフェアプレーは両立しない。Competition and fair play are mutually exclusive. Fait play and financial loss go hand-in-hand
142フェレンギ人 は相手が疲れるまで値を付けるのを待つ。A Ferengi waits to bid until his opponents have exhausted themselves
143馬鹿の歴史は古い。The family of Fools is ancient
144チャリティはいいことだ。俺の財布を巻き込まない限りは。There’s nothing wrong with charity, as long as it winds up in your pocket.
145一番最初に、かかる費用を聞いておけ。Always ask for the costs first
146ステーキではなく、ジュージュー焼ける音を売れ。Sell the sizzle, not the steak
148チャンスは待ってくれない。Opportunity waits for no one.
149女と金は一緒にするな。Females and finances don't mix
150自分の店は分かりやすい場所にしろ。Drive your business or it will drive you
151時として、タダで手に入れたものは高い出費が必要になる。Sometimes, what you get free costs entirely too much
152利益が自分に何をもたらしてくれるかを考えるな。利益のために自分が何を出来るかを考えろ。Ask not what your profirs can do for you; ask what you can do for your profits
153誰であれ、魚を水から自由には出来ない。You can't free a fish from water
154堆肥とラチナムの違いが、商業ってもんだ。The difference between manure and Latinum is commerce
156どんなに最悪の場合でも、誰か一人は儲かっている。Even in the worst of times someone turns a profit
157チャンスはどこにでもある。常に見つける努力をしなければならないが。You are surrounded by opportunities; you just have to know where to look
158ものを受け取るまで代金は払うな。Don't pay until you have the goods
159客は常に正しい。金を払うまでは。The customer is always right (...until you have their cash)
160尊敬はいいもんだが、ラチナムはさらに良い。Respect is good, Latinum is better
161顧客を殺してはいけない。その客が死んだ方が利益になる場合を除いて。Never kill a customer, unless you make more profit out of his death than out of his life
162誰の金であろうと俺のもの。そいつが取り戻そうとするまでは。His money is only your's when he can't get it back.
163のどが渇いている客はいい客だが、飲んでる客はそうでもない。A thirsty customer is good for profit, a drunk one isn't
164他の奴の金を使える時は、絶対に自分の金を使うな。Never spend your own money when you can spend someone else's.
165一つの星の法律を、全宇宙共通の目標(利益)の前で当てはめてはいけない。Never allow one's culture's law to get in the way of a universal goal: profit
166売る事が出来るものは、絶対にタダではやるな。Never give away for free what can be sold.
167取り引きが公正で合法なら、無益な復讐は違法である。If a deal is fairly and lawfully made, then seeking revenge especially unprofitable revenge, is illegal.
168金のないフェレンギ人は、もはやフェレンギ人ではない。Beware of relatives bearing gifts
169耐えるべき時でも、快適にしておけ。If you're going to have to endure, make yourself comfortable
170テレパスとは賭けをするな。Never gamble with an empath
171早起きしたフェレンギ人はラチナムを得る。Time is Latinum. The early Ferengi gets the Latinum
172盗品であろうと、売ることをためらうな。If you can sell it, don't hesitate to steal it
173自分のラチナム1本は、客のラチナム2本分の価値がある。A piece of Latinum in the hand is worth two in a customer's pocket
174分かち合えば破滅するShare and perish
175最悪の場合でも...When everything fails...
176フェレンギは販促用の試供品を受け取らないFerengis don't give promotional gifts!
177敵の事をよく知っておけ。商売はそいつらとするのだから。Know your enemies... but do business with them always
178世界は劇場だ、入場券を買い忘れるなThe world is a stage - don't forget to demand admission
179事態が好転すると FCA がやってくるWhenever you think that things can't get worse, the FCA will be knocking on your door
180賄賂を贈るつもりなら、自白はするな。Never offer a confession when a bribe will do.
181不正行為はラチナムが増えるのを妨げないEven dishonesty cann't tarnish the glow of Latinum.
182どんなときでもおまえは神かと聞かれたら、YES と答えるのが正しいWhenever you're being asked if you are god, the right answer is YES
183機会を活かせない才能なんて、鉱山に眠るラチナムのようなもんだ。Genius without opportunity is like Latinum in the mine
184異星人と話してはいけない3つのこと:性的嗜好、宗教そして税金There are three things you must not talk to aliens: sex, religion and taxes
185破滅するには3つの方法がある。最も早いのはギャンブル、最も気持ちいいのは女、最も確実なのは銀行預金If you want to ruin yourself there are three known ways: gambling is the fastest, women are the sweetest, and banks are the most reliable way
186誰の人生にも確実に二つのことが訪れる。それは死と税金だThere are two things that will catch up with you for sure: death and taxes
187全額出資を求めてくるパートナーは謝辞せよIf your dancing partner wants to lead at all costs, let her have her own way and ask an other lady to dance
188自分で八百長を仕組んでいないレースには、絶対賭けるな。Never bet on a race you haven't fixed.
189借りる時は口約束で。貸す時は書面で。Borrow on a handshake; lend in writing.
190耳は立てても信じるな。Hear all, trust nothing.
191他の奴には名声を持たせろ。お前はそいつらの金を持っていればいい。Let others keep their reputation. You keep their money
192最初はお前がビジネスを仕切っているが、そのうちビジネスがお前を仕切るようになる。If the flushing isn't strong enough, use your brain and try the brush
193クリンゴン女性はタンゴを踊れないKlingon women don't dance tango
194新しいお客をつかもうと思ったら、前もって情報を集めておかないとね。It's always good business to know about new customers before they walk in your door.
195Wounds heal, but debt is forever
196Only give money to people you know you can steal from
197Never trust your customers, especially if they are your relatives
198Employees are the rungs on your ladder to success - don't hesitate to step on them
199The secret of one person is another person's opportunity
200If your going to have to endure, make yourself comfortable.
201利益を得るための正当な理由は、利益である。The justification for profit is profit
202困っている友達はいい客になる。The justification of profit is profit.
203新しい客はカミソリの刃を持った甘い虫だと思え。汁は多いが噛みつかれれば終わりだ。New customers are like razor-backed Gree worms... They can be succulent, but sometimes they bite back!
204It takes a Ferengi to cheat a Ferengi.
206Fighting with Klingons is like gambling with Cardassians - itエs good to have a friend around when you lose
207Never trust a hardworking employee
208時と場合によっては、質問をする事より、答えを聞く事のほうが、ずっと危険なこともある。Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer.
209Tell them what they want to hear
210妻には掃除をさせろ。そうすれば掃除婦はいらなくなる。A wife, who is able to clean, saves the cleaning lady
211従業員は成功目指して登るはしごの横木。ためらわず踏み付けるべし。Employees are the rungs on the ladder of success... don't hesitate to step on them.
212Latinum lasts longer than lust
213Stay neutral in conflicts so that you can sell supplies to both sides
214空きっ腹で商売の話を始めるなかれ。Never begin a business negotiation on an empty stomach.
215チャンスを逃すような本能なんて、役に立たない。Instinct without opportunity is useless.
216自分より貧乏な奴からの歓待は、絶対に受けるな。Never take hospitality from someone worse off than yourself
217魚は陸では生きられない。You can’t free a fish from water.
218常に自分が買うものは把握しておけ。Always know what youエre buying
219A friend is not a friend if he asks for a discount
220Profit is like a bed of rose - a few thorns are inevitable
221耳たぶで考える奴には用心しろ。Beware of any man who thinks with his lobes.
222知識はラチナム。Knowledge is power.
223金持ちは買い物には来ない。盗みに来る。Rich men don't come to buy; they come to take
224Never throw anything away: It may be worth a lot of Latinum some Stardate
225Pride comes before a loss
226Don't take your family for granted, only their Latinum
227Loyality can be bought... and sold
228All things come to those who wait, even Latinum
229愛は錆びるが金は錆びない。Latinum lasts longer than lust.
230Manipulation may be a Ferengiエs greatest tool, and liability
231If you steal it, make sure it has warranty
232Life's not fair (How else would you turn a profit?)
233Every dark cloud has a Latinum lining
234Never deal with a beggar; itエs bad for profits
235Don't trust anyone who trusts you
236運命は買えない。you can’t buy fate.
237There's a sucker born every minute. Be sure youエre the first to find each one
238The truth will cost
239商品にはどんどん違うラベルを貼れ。Never be afraid to mislable a product.
240高く入札してやれば、客は増える。The higher you bid, the more customers you drive away
241第一印象の重要性を軽く考えるな。Never underestimate the importance of the first impression
242沢山あるのはいいことだ。全部あればさらによし。More is good….. all is better.
243If you got something nice to say, then SHOUT
244If you can't sell it, sit on it, but never give it away
245A warranty is valid only, if they can find you
246商品にケチをつける奴は、それを買う奴だ。He that speaks ill of the wares will buy them
247Never question luck
248Celebrate when you are paid, not, when you are promised
249Respect other cultureエs beliefs; Theyエll be more likely to give you money
250死んだ商人は、代金を要求しない。A dead vendor doesn't demand money
251満足は保証されない。Satisfaction is not guaranteed
252Let the buyer beware
253読みにくい部分のない契約書なんて、馬鹿が作った書類だ。A contract without fine print is a fool's document
254Anyone who can't tell fake doesn't deserve the real thing
255抜け道のない保証は、負債に等しい。A warranty without loop-holes is a liability
256Synthehol is the lubricant of choice for a customer's stuck purse
257Only fools negotiate with their own money
258A Ferengi is only as important as the amount of Latinum he carries in his pockets
259A lie is a way to tell the truth to someone who doesn't know
260Gambling is like the way to power: The only way to win is to cheat, but donエt get caught in the process
261裕福な奴には、良心以外の全てのものが揃ってる。A wealthy man can afford anything except a conscience.
262No lobes, no profit
263何事も疑うなかれ、ラチナムをその手に入れるまでは。Never allow doubt to tarnish your lust for latinum.
264It's not the size of your planet, but it's income, that matters
265The fear of loss may be your greatest enemy or your best friend - choose wisely
266良い耳たぶの前では、どんな七枚舌も乾いてしまう。A pair of good ears will wring dry a hundred tongues
267あまり長生きを望むな。裕福であればいい。Wish not so much to live long, as to live well.
268疑わしきは、ウソと思え。When in doubt, lie
269Never purchase anything that has been promised to be valuable or go up in value
270It's better to have gambled and lost than to never have gambled at all
271知恵はあっても、脳と財布が繋がっていない奴はたくさんいる。There's many witty men whose brains can't line their pockets
272The way to a Ferengi's heart is through his wallet
273どんな時でも、モノを売る前には客のラチナムの本数を数えておけ。Always count their Latinum before selling anything
274There is no profit in love; however, a strong heart is worth a few bars of Latinum on the open market. Keep it on ice
275Latinum canエt buy happiness, but you can sure have a blast renting it
276If at first you donエt succeed, try to acquire again
277宝石は女性の友かもしれない。しかしラチナムだけが女を買える。Diamonds may be girl's best friends, but you can only buy the girl with Latinum
278It's better to swallow your pride than to lose your profit
279Never close a deal too soon after a female strokes your lobes
280空っぽの袋は、まっすぐに立たない。An empty bag cannot stand upright
281血は水より濃いが、売ることはやや難しい。Blood is thicker than water, but harder to sell.
282商売は戦争のようなもの。誰が勝つかが重要だ。Business is like war; it's important to recognize the winner.
283ルールはいつも変化に従う。Rules are always subject to change.
284ルールはいつも解釈に従う。Rules are always subject to interpretation
285人助けはしょせん報われぬもの。No good deed ever goes unpunished.


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Last-modified: 2009-09-22 (火) 18:54:32 (5467d)
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